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uniform civil code

Uniform civil code simplified

Uniform Civil Code has been widely discussed throughout the country in the recent past but many people are not aware about  the same.

 In this article I will discuss what UCC is, why it is being brought now? Is it necessary for a diverse country like India to have a common civil code? In this article I will try to make UCC clear in a way that if a normal person who is not so much aware of laws he can also understand what is Uniform Civil code.

Laws are mainly of two types, Criminal and Civil. Criminal law includes all henious crimes like rape, murder, robbery etc. 

All cases that come under criminal law are considered crime against the state. Here state means the particular government of that country which is in power. If crime happens of criminal nature one cannot escape suit, unlike civil law in which it depends on the party that it has to file a case or not. Civil law deals with disputes between individuals and organisations. In civil cases, the state is not the party. Cases in Civil laws include contract dispute,negligence(lack of care)and all cases related to family law. Family laws include Marriage, divorce, alimony, inheritance, maintenance, succession etc.

Currently in India for different religions we have different codes and acts under family law. The purpose of making a Uniform or common civil code is to remove discrimination that a certain group of people are facing because of traditional laws that their religion follows. India is a diverse nation and it has many religions. 

When in India we talk about Uniform Civil Code our main focus is on Family laws only. We have different family laws for different religions in India. The sole purpose of Introducing Uniform Civil Code would be to eliminate discrimination amongst citizens and to make every law uniform for all.

There can be different ways to introduce Uniform Civil Code:

 We can make one single code  that every religion will have to follow right from marriage to maintenance and succession etc this can be termed as introduction of Uniform Civil Code, or either as a choice, we continue the existing laws that every religion is following now and just remove discriminatory provisions that is present in that law.

Some of the discriminatory provisions are Nikah Halala, polygamy for husband, biased distribution of property after divorce in Shariat Law.